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To identify the importance of mobile applications and their impact on achieving satisfied clients. A case study on HSBC Bank
Data analysis or evaluation can be termed as the procedure of cleansing, inspecting, modelling data and transforming with the purpose of discovering effective information, conclusion and assisting decision-making etc. This has numerous approaches and facts encompassing diverged methods as per the names of variety while being optimised in distinct science, business and social science domains. It is the significant part of a research report that opt distinct techniques and research methodologies to carry out more accurate and authentic investigation report. On the basis of data evaluation, company can frame conclusion and recommendation shaping the objectives and questions of research structured by a researcher. This report has undertaken the 50 consumer as the sample using the convenience techniques of sampling in regard of attain the final outcome. Here are presented the sample format of outlined questioners attached beneath:
Name: Contact No. Gender: Age: Email Address: Q1. How likely do you like the services and products of HSBC?
Q2. How often do consumer receive the updates or required information of HSBC?
Q3. According to you, are mobile applications assisting in the banking segment?
Q4. Did mobile applications change the banking methods of this sector?
Q5. What are the factors support by mobile applications in banking sector consumer?
Q6. What are the fundamental services that affect HSBC consumer's mindset and their loyalty?Â
Q7. What are influencing factors of mobile applications that HSBC should outline to satisfy consumer?
Q8. Why mobile application has become essential in banking segment for growth and success?
Q9. Is HSBC Bank leading to the more social engagement and consumer satisfaction after developing HSBCapp?Â
Q10. What are the facilities which Apps has supported to HSBC after its emergence?Â
Q11. What are the expected modification or alternation that can be recommended to the HSBC for the future development purpose leading to the consumer satisfaction and loyalty? |
The bank has undertake the sample size of 50 consumers as their respondents that are providing response to the the questionnaire that has developed to collect the data from distinct sources in systematic manner.
Name |
Contact No. |
Gender: |
Age: |
Email Address: |
Q1. How likely do you like the services and products of HSBC? |
Frequency |
5 |
10 |
25 |
10 |
Q2. How often do consumer receive the updates or required information of HSBC? |
Frequency |
20 |
25 |
5 |
Q3. According to you, are mobile applications assisting in the banking segment? |
Frequency |
40 |
10 |
Q4. Have mobile applications changed the banking methods of this sector? |
Frequency |
45 |
5 |
Q5. What are the factors support by mobile applications in banking sector consumer? |
Frequency |
20 |
15 |
15 |
Q6. What are the fundamental services that affect HSBC consumer's mindset and their loyalty? |
Frequency |
25 |
15 |
10 |
Q7. What are influencing factors of mobile applications that HSBC should outline to satisfy consumer? |
Frequency |
10 |
14 |
16 |
10 |
Q8. Why mobile application has become essential in banking segment for growth and success? |
Frequency |
15 |
15 |
20 |
Q9. Is HSBC Bank leading to the more social engagement and consumer satisfaction after developing HSBCapp? |
Frequency |
36 |
4 |
Q10. What are the facilities which Apps has supported to HSBC after its emergence? |
Frequency |
22 |
18 |
10 |
Q11. What are the expected modification or alternation that can be recommended to the HSBC for the future development purpose leading to the consumer satisfaction and loyalty? |
Theme 1: HSBC Consumer are satisfied with their services and consumer
Q1. How likely do you like the services and products of HSBC? |
Frequency |
5 |
10 |
25 |
10 |
Theme 2: HSBC Bank provide proper updates and data information to their consumer
Q2. How often do consumer receive the updates or required information of HSBC? |
Frequency |
20 |
25 |
5 |
Theme 3: Mobile applications are the revolutionary invention in banking segment
Q3. According to you, are mobile applications assisting in the banking segment? |
Frequency |
40 |
10 |
Theme 4: Apps are supporting consumer loyalty and satisfaction in banking organisations
Q4. Have mobile applications changed the banking methods of this sector? |
Frequency |
45 |
5 |
Theme 5: Mobile Apps has multiple and versatile usages in the banking activities for consumer
Q5. What are the factors support by mobile applications in banking sector consumer? |
Frequency |
20 |
15 |
15 |
Theme 6: E-banking is becoming popular among people or service user
Q6. What are the fundamental services that affect HSBC consumer's mindset and their loyalty? |
Frequency |
25 |
15 |
10 |
Theme 7: Various factors like resources availability, App security etc. affect the consumer loyalty of HSBC
Q7. What are influencing factors of mobile applications that HSBC should outline to satisfy consumer? |
Frequency |
10 |
14 |
16 |
10 |
Theme 8: Apps are more quick, satisfactory and interactive supporting communication among banks and their service usersÂ
Q8. Why mobile application has become essential in banking segment for growth and success? |
Frequency |
15 |
15 |
20 |
Theme 9: Bank APPS are more satisfactory and create consumer loyalty within brand
Q9. Is HSBC Bank leading to the more social engagement and consumer satisfaction after developing HSBCapp? |
Frequency |
36 |
4 |
Theme 10: Application assist in connection individual, manage tracks or tracks etc.
Q10. What are the facilities which Apps has supported to HSBC after its emergence? |
Frequency |
22 |
18 |
10 |
Through using central tendency measure techniques, here are presented the interpretation of all accumulated data which is mentioned as below:
Theme 1: HSBC Consumer are satisfied with their services and consumer
Total |
50 |
Mean |
12.5 |
Median |
10 |
Mode |
5 |
Interpretation: HSBC bank provide wide range of financial services and products in the competitive business industry along with numerous opportunities to satiate their consumer significantly. HSBC is being recently popular for getting away from the poor value or service offering as the company is managing strong reputation and better service in the competitive banking world in United Kingdom. As per the responses, 5 respondents state that services are not that satisfactory and 10 given their review toward good services. On the other side, 25 consumer given their views in context of satisfactory services and 10 claimed to excellent services of HSBC company work efficiently. Hence, in the given question, there were 50 respondents which have used measure of central tendency tools so that they could come to the valid and reliable conclusion. Hereunder, mean of the 50 respondents is 12.5 which represents the average value of the set of observation i.e. 50 respondents. While median of the mentioned question is 10 that simply represents the middle value of the set of observance. Mode represents the most repetitive number from the total observation. These all are ultimately used in order to make the final strategy.
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Theme 2: HSBC Bank provide proper updates and data information to their consumer
Total |
50 |
Mean |
16.6666666667 |
Median |
20 |
Mode |
0 |
Interpretation: This can be state from the illustrated graph and mentioned report that HSBC provide accurate information and authentic data to their clients in regard of provided services. Thus, in the present question, from the sum of 50 responders that researcher have sampled through central tendency measure so that reliable and suitable outcome can be carried out. According to the 50 consumer response, the represented mean of entire observed value is 16.66. Where, median of the referred updates of information were summoned 20 respondents. On the other hand, mode of the HSBC consumer information updation response is 0 which finalise the strategy more significantly.
Theme 3: Mobile applications are the revolutionary invention in banking segment
Total |
50 |
Mean |
25 |
Median |
25 |
Mode |
0 |
Interpretation: As per the reviewed observations of revolutionary invention of mobile apps in the banking segments, numerous outcomes has been observed. Mobile application are the revolutionary innovation in the banking segments that made transaction and manage of financial activities more easier for each and every individual consumer. As per the presented central tendency measure values, mean of the entire responses were 25, and median of entire respondent whereas the number of mode is 0.
Theme 4: Apps are supporting consumer loyalty and satisfaction in banking organisations
Total |
50 |
Mean |
25 |
Median |
25 |
Mode |
0 |
Interpretation: According to the referred statics, this can be claimed that out of 50 respondents, value of mean is 25 out of whole observation values of consumer satisfaction and loyalty in banking segments through the assistance of applications. On the other side, value of median is 25 and mode is 0 among the whole statics out of entire accumulated data.
Theme 5: Mobile Apps has multiple and versatile usages in the banking activities for consumer
Total |
50 |
Mean |
16.6666666667 |
Median |
15 |
Mode |
5 |
Interpretation: This can be claimed from the discussed report that out of 50 responders, consumer stated distinct reviews of digital applications as this provide numerous benefits in the banking segment. As per the summon method of central tendency measure, mean value of whole responses is 16.66 and statics of median is 15. On the other hand, mode of the report is 5 which can be handled distinctly.
Theme 6: E-banking is becoming popular among people or service user
Total |
50 |
Mean |
16.6666666667 |
Median |
15 |
Mode |
5 |
Interpretation: E-banking and online services are one of the significant techniques that HSBC bank can deliver to their consumer leading to competitive benefits. As per the stated outcome through using central tendency techniques, this can be claimed that out of 50 respondents, mean outcome is 16.66 whereas median amount is 15. on the other hand, value of mode is 5.
Theme 7: Various factors like resources availability, App security etc. affect the consumer loyalty of HSBC
Total |
50 |
Mean |
12.5 |
Median |
12 |
Mode |
0 |
Interpretation: Numerous factors affect the loyalty and dedication level of consumer loyalty such as App security, data safety or resources availability etc. According to data solved through central tendency measure, outcome has been stated that out of 50 observations, 12.5 is aggregate mean value and 12 is the quantity of median. On the other side, 0 is the statics of mode which has been mentioned in the report.
Theme 8: Apps are more quick, satisfactory and interactive supporting communication among banks and their service usersÂ
Total |
50 |
Mean |
16.6666666667 |
Median |
15 |
Mode |
15 |
Interpretation: Applications are more convenient to access which support and provide interactive communication among consumer and organisation leading to distinct service user satisfaction. As per the central tendency measure, statics claims that out of 50 observation number, rate of mean is 16.66 whereas the statics of median is 15. Mode which have been presented is 15 that has been outlined by the respondents.
Theme 9: Bank APPS are more satisfactory and create consumer loyalty within brand
Total |
50 |
Mean |
25 |
Median |
25 |
Mode |
2 |
Interpretation: Bank applications are presenting numerous services and offers beside the bank that are leading consumer loyalty and consumer satisfaction according with the brand. According to the report summarised through using central tendency measure, 25 mean has been concluded by sum of responders claims. On the other hand, portrayed mode value is 2 and presented worth is 25 according to the accumulated data. Get Case study help  By experts of Australia at the cheapest cost.
Theme 10: Application assist in connection individual, manage tracks or tracks etc.
Total |
50 |
Mean |
16.6666666667 |
Median |
18 |
Mode |
2 |
Interpretation:Â Numerous usage of digital app has been rendered to the HSBC bank has assisted numerous benefits such as managing records of activities, individual communication etc. delivered to the organisation. According to the discussed and assisted outcome from central tendency techniques, this has presented that out of 50 observation data, 16.66 mean values is evaluated and rate of median is 18. On the other side, statics of mode is 2 which has been presented as per the demand.
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The above discussed report emphasise over the use of digital media and numerous medium of communication in the commercial segments along with its usages in the competitive business environment. By strong, dedicated and better relationships often pay off, conquering consumer dedication which can be a complex work for the banking segments. Banking activities has always been more sensible and more consumer-oriented services that need consumer satisfaction and their loyalty toward the organisation to sustain and survive in the competitive business environment. This is fundamental for banking segments to amend and change their services according to the consumer demands and requirements in market in regard of achieving their business objectives efficiently. Through using digital technological techniques and methods, company can reduce the dearth of consistency and visibility across entire methods or channels which is coherently confusing to consumer. The presented data illustrate in the mentioned graphs state numerous variables and probable outcome of use of banking applications in context of consumer satisfaction and loyalty.
Consumer satisfaction is affirmed as measure of how services and products rendered through an HSBC's services and products to achieve or extend their expectation of consumer. The notion reflects who consumer more like their banks and satiate their consumer significantly from the same suggested business in the banks to others. Banks should reline which consumer may achieve back cause of situational restraint like lack of alternative viability etc. The applications of HSBC allows consumer or clients internet banking services that is convenient to analyse on specific tablets and mobile telephones. Company must determine a within banking through internet or using mobile banking application. According to the report of HSBC bank, this has finalise that mobile application are carry out benefits to consumer by financial product aggregation on the certain platform; new service creation can assist individual to maintain their financial activities, widening the services access in pockets with just a single click.
Consumer satisfaction has been delivered through HSBC application as this is promoting employee satisfaction, directive and interactive communication and numerous distinct benefits to consumer along with easy access and transaction of capital in more significant manner. E-banking and online banking tend to become more favourable option in the present scenario which is offering various opportunities and convenience with services to clients significantly. Hence, the whole phenomena support the loyalty among consumer assisting distinct benefits to both HSBC, consumer and several numerous clients as well.
Consumer satisfaction with credit and banking card applications has enhanced in the previous year as numerous consumer make utilisation of digital methods as company's initial channels of interaction with their service provider. As applications are rapidly become primary communication channels, meeting formula right in regard of the feature sets, usability and consumer engagement have emerged as the key to effective loyalty and stronger advocacy. Numerous modification and changes are suggested after the analysis which can be include or designed by HSBC in their application or other function of organisation to achieve goals. Through opening op consumer's information and data of banking by securing APIs, the new technique, OPEN BANKING has the ability to disrupt and transform the manner that interact to people with their relationship and financial activities they have their their service provider or banks. This has been observed that this is more assisting and beneficial for consumer as this provide both small and large business organisation opportunity to create value and emerge toward visionary plan. This is able to benefits consumer as well as bank by giving competition to HSBC bank controlling such services beyond core banking techniques. In the commoditised OPEN BANKING world, brand loyalty attainment will be complex to achieve without rendering genuine benefits to consumer who present loyal behaviour of clients.
HSBC and other banking organisation that deliver a proper end-to-end consumer experience are authentic and utilising for consumer are observed as more attractive and trustworthy loyal consumer. Company has initially looking for a proper autumn tool and were very keen to achieve one step ahead in comparison to other organisation. This makes certain that execution process was possible and smooth, and HSBC can achieve their business objectives in more significant manner. This has been facilitated in the future organisations that numerous activities and best practices are provided to the company in regard of achieving business objectives. Here are mentioned some new alternation that can be adopted by HSBC for future in order to gain consumer attention, satisfaction and their loyalty in more fundamental way:
These changes or modification are required to manage with time to vary according to the present consumer demands in the banking segments efficiently. HSBC Bank, to survive, need to manage distinct methods and techniques accordingly for achieving their objectives significantly.
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Global Assignment Help Australia (2025) [Online]. Retrieved from: https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/case-study-help/bma314-a-case-study-on-hsbc-bank
Global Assignment Help Australia. (Global Assignment Help Australia, 2025) https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/case-study-help/bma314-a-case-study-on-hsbc-bank
Global Assignment Help Australia. [Internet]. Global Assignment Help Australia.(2025), Retrieved from: https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/case-study-help/bma314-a-case-study-on-hsbc-bank
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